Saturday, August 22, 2009

How do you spell Success?

To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) American Essayist & Poet

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Does studying increase confusion?

A friend of mine, Schorschi, posed the following question:
"As you study, Bible, EGW, etc. Do you have more questions or less? Maybe it is just me, but the list of things I want God to answer, when we are face to face (so to speak) is longer as I get older."

Interesting. I think the more I study, the more I think there is to learn. But I think the puzzles are getting simpler. The more I study, the more I understand that I can't understand it all. Sigh..

I am learning to trust God and not have the need to understand everything. But I agree there is a significant increase in the number of questions I have to ask him. I'm glad we'll have eternity.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Singing in Babylon

At Azure Hills SDA Church this Sabbath, Pastor Darrin Carrington spoke about "Singing in Babylon."

When we were little, we used to sing a song called "Brighten the Corner Where you Are!"

Some of us our fond of saying we are "Not Of This World" or "I'm just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger" or "This World is not my Home, I'm just passing through." However, Jeremiah's message to the exiles in Jerusalem was:
  1. It was God that sent them to exile. (Jer. 29:7)
  2. God was planning on returning them home (Jer. 29:10)
  3. In the mean time---THRIVE! Build houses, marry, conduct business.
  4. Help your community to THRIVE! (Jer. 29:7)

I have heard it said that "You are so heavenly minded, that you are no earthly good!"

Please share experiences or observations where you or another child of God has worked to help their community to thrive.

Neither do I condemn you...

I imagine these words would mean very little coming from me to you. What right do I have to condemn you or anyone else? But these words didn't come from me.

A woman was brought to Jesus who was caught in the very act of sinning. I am sure Jesus's accusers didn't want to give him any wiggle room for explaining her actions away. (Maybe they set her up, maybe they stalked her or maybe they just happened upon her, maybe it was a one time thing, maybe it was habitual. The record doesn't say and I don't think it matters.) There is no question and no doubt that she was guilty. Her accusers knew it, she knew it, the observers knew it and Jesus knew it.

"I don't condemn you." Those were Jesus's words. He had already explained to Nicodemus, "...God did not send [Jesus] into the world to condemn the world. But to save the world!"

Lift up your head...look around. It's not that Jesus doesn't know what you've been doing. And it not even that he doesn't care. It's just that he is more interested in SAVING than in CONDEMNING!

Aren't you glad? I am!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Since I'm Gonna Live Forever...

I was thinking the other day, "If I'm gonna to live forever, why not start now?"
  • If I am gonna live forever, why do I live like I only have 70 years?
  • If Jesus has lifted and taken my burden, why won't I lift the burden of others?
  • If everything I have belongs to God, why do I hold it like I think it's mine?
  • If I have a mansion on a street lined with gold, why I am so excited about my 2500 sq ft. built on dirt?
  • If Jesus willingly died for me, why won't I willingly live for him?
  • If I am destined to fly with the angels, why am I content to wallow with the pigs?...shouldn't I be starting my flying lessons?
  • If I am forgiven, why am I vengeful?
  • If I am blessed, why am I greedy?
  • If I am loved by the One who is Perfect, why do I show distain for others?
  • If Jesus has covered all of my failings, why do I want to uncover the failings of others? Why do I want to uncover my own unfailings?

Since I am gonna life forever, I think I'll start living NOW!